Bash is by far the most common shell used by the industry today. Even though it is so common, it is not as predictable or readable as one would imagine. Below are some reasons why Bash isn't as good as it should be, given how much it is used and how much it permeates the computing world today.
Bash starts a subshell for any code on the right hand side of a pipeline. This can be useful, but can also lead to unreadable and unpredictable code, not easily debuggable.
echo -e "1\n2\n3" | while read i; do
echo $i
exit 1
echo END
You can get this to work (i.e. be more predictable) with process substitution, but that isn't POSIX compliant.
while read i; do
echo $i
exit 1
done < <(echo -e "1\n2\n3")
echo END
This is definitely not as readable. Piping is very common and useful for manipulating the shell, so Bash should somewhat cater to this need.
Why does spacing matter so much? Most seasoned Bash programmers know that spacing matters a lot, so they don't run into too many issues, but wouldn't it be nice if spacing mattered less?
Also, am I the only one curious to see what the parser looks like for this? Interesting thought, right?
Variable assignments:
a = `pwd` # incorrect assignment
a=`pwd` # correct assignment
If statements:
if [-n $some_string] # incorrect- spaces must follow & preceed square brackets
echo $some_string "is not null"
if [ -n $some_string ] # this one is correct
echo $some_string "is not null"
Whitespace, when used intelligently, makes code more readable. It might be a more pleasing stylistic choice to some coders to eliminate the spaces in the previous incorrect snippets, but why should the programmer be forced to abide by these rules?
This nonsense:
var="-n -e -v"
echo $var
All thanks to word-splitting.
This can be fixed with double-quoting:
var="-n -e -v"
echo "$var"
-n -e -v
Given this file, named args
printf "%d args:" $#
printf " <%s>" "$@"
Consider these commands:
var="This is a variable"; args "$var"
1 args: <This is a variable>
var="This is a variable"; args $var
4 args: <This> <is> <a> <variable>
Word splitting is not completely invalid. There are many scenarios in which this is useful. However, there should be a more clear way to specify expansion and word splitting to improve code readablity and the shell coding experience.
The craziest script that has ever been:
# run this script with bash
# i bet you can't predict the outcome
function printsleep {
echo COUNT=$(( COUNT++ ))
echo printsleep >> $FILE
sleep 2
Code from Jehiah Czebotar.
There are so many things going on here, and to be honest I'm not sure why this works. However, I don't think this is due to snarky or sneaky code, but rather the mind-bending, inherently unreadable and complex inner-workings of Bash.
Actually doing math in Bash is not great. It's far from great actually. The syntax is unintuitive and simple arithmetic is not uncommon in coding in scripts or from the command line.
expr 1 + 1
myvar=$(expr 1 + 1)
echo $myvar
Sure, this is a bit annoying, but at least you can do integer arithmetic from the command line. If you want to do floating point arithmetic, you have to use a command line tool, like bc.
New test ([[
) vs old test ([
) in Bash is very unclear.
First, new test is not in the POSIX standard. That may
matter in some instances, but is not the most important thing
to note. No word splitting or glob expansion happens inside
of new test, which somewhat addresses the previously noted concern
on avoiding word splitting, but the language is clunky and
somewhat unintutive here.
Additionally, along these lines, comparisons are also not clear.
There are different comparisons for strings, numbers, and booleans.
To make this ubiquitous is to make life easier.
Having two ways to execute commands,
is not clear and makes programs inconsistent across the board. It is better practice to have consistent code and to be able to read others' code, which isn't as easy as it could be with these two options. A replacement for Bash would have a standard and would enforce code consistency.
After talking to a few peers, there have been a few notes that everyone seems to have.
Bash sourcing is rather complicated. A fallback source file can be in multiple places, which is inconsistent and could be fixed to be more manageable.
Bash is not self-contained and does not have a standard library. Scripts depend on the environment you are working in, which typically makes scripts have a bunch of moving parts. Also, a Bash script generally uses a lot of other small languages, like Awk, Sed, and Expect. This is kind of just part of the shell game, but better integration is desired.
Bash history search is a bit unintuitive. When you search for a previous command and do not find what you want, the next time you do a reverse search it doesn't reset back to your current point in time but rather searches backwards from wherever were you just were.
Bash is not scalable and there really are only a few ways for multiprocessing. A new language could cater to this need.
There really are no builtin data structures in Bash, besides arrays. This is a tad frustrating and many commented that a better shell language would have more builtins.